Friday 1 March 2013


We were aiming to mainly base our costume designs on the time of year our main task is based on, which was Summer. However, unfortunately for us we started filming in the middle of the winter. This is why most of our costume are winter based.

Christian (The Writer)
In Christians case we thought we would go with a sophisticated and sharp look. We were thinking that most extreme horror villains are usually covered in blood, wearing ragged clothing or just lurking away from sight, but we felt it would be more effective to make him look like an average man like anyone else but make him have the ability to do horrific and evil things. This draws more attention to his ability to kill people by writing their deaths in a diary.

 Liza (The Virgin/Victim)
Lots of attention and work was put into ensuring that the character would stand out and so that she is relateable to young women today. So we went with a dark red jumper which was simple but at the same time humble and comfortable. This would help people relate to her much more easily because she look just like any other ordinary girl. We also wanted to make her look pure and innocent, that's why she is not wearing any make-up.

Tjay (The Jock)

Carlos (The Smart Guy)

Jake (The Stoner) 

In the case of Carlos, Jake, CJ. Their costumes were not given that much attention because they were not the main characters. Firstly with Tjay we went for a very casual white sports hooded jumper because he is the jock. His costume also consists of jeans and nice trainers. Now on the other hand we have Carlos, he is supposed to be the sophisticated and clever person in the group and his outfit certainly implies that. His costume consists of smart glasses, suit jacket, shirt, cardigan, jeans and nice trainers. all these items of clothing come together to make him seem neat and sophisticated. Finally we have Jake. Jake is a fun loving fellow, full of spirit and joy and I think his outfit certainly signifies it. He is wearing a fun and colourful shirt with a nice back pack and green chinos. Purposely not matching to give the impression that he doesn't care about his image.

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