Monday 18 March 2013

Main task Script (Updated)

Official Main Script

Author: Have you ever been in that situation, where you know what the right thing to do is, but you still do wrong? That's the talent of a good author. He creates the problems for his characters. They make the choices.

Carlos walks up a road
Liza walks along the alley way and notices Carlos walking past
T-Jay waits patiently for his friends
Jake walks up to him very excited

Jake: Oh my god man, this is gonna be so good
T-Jay and Jake hug it out
Jake: Look it's Liza and Carlos
Liza: T-JAY!!
They all continue to greet each other
Jake is accidentally hit in the face
Jake: HEY MAN! What are you doing?
T-Jay: Come on, we gotta go
Jake: Yeah, come on.. The coach is already there

Wordle Image of the Official Script

The of the characters are the words which stand out the most due to the importance of the characters and the role they play in the film. Another which is highlighted and used frequently in the script is the word "HEY". This word is used frequently in the group scene to greet the characters in a casual but exited manner.

Draft Main Task Script.

Friends scene

Each character packs a case

(Tjay) Muzzy waits impatiently for friends, very eager and over-excited
(Liza) Carrie walks through the park with her case
(Carlos) Steven walks up Gipsy Lane with his case
(Jake) Conall wears his over his shoulder whilst cycling

Carrie, Steven and Conall meet at the end of Divinity Road together, give each other an exaggerated greeting. Steven and Conall high five.

(Very excited) Conall: Yeah Buddy. You ready for this?
(Steven Looks at Conall with a mixture of dissapointment and disbelief) Steven: I'm the one who organised this...
Conall looks at the floor embarrassed and whilst Carrie runs ahead to meet Muzzy.
Carrie: TJAAAYYYY!!!
(Deep masculine voice but also joking) Muzzy: LIIZZAAAAAA!!
Carrie and Muzzy drop their bags at the same time. Carrie gives Muzzy a big hug.
Steven continues to greet Muzzy in a very casual manner
(sounding very proud of himself) Steven: Mate, you've got no idea what I have ready for us in the fields. I made some calculations and if we get there by seven, we'll be in time for the twilight zone...
Muzzy: Shut up man. Let's just go and have a good time.
Conall: Hey guys, check out what I picked up (Conall opens his bag to Steven's delight. Steven's face fills with excitement.)
Carrie: Don't get that out until we get there Jake.
(Looking slightly dazed and dopey) Conall: What?
(looking at Conall dismissively) Muzzy: Nothing. Better get going yeah? I can't wait!! THIS SHIT IS GONNA GO DOWN!!
Everybody goes in for a group hug apart from Conall who stands there awkwardly because he can't reach over the bike.
They all pick up their bags and start walking down Divinity Road having a big conversation.

Why we changed the script

The reason we changed the script was because we thought that it was too long. It was important that we remained in the allotted time of two minutes and with our draft script we exceeded that time scale. I did however prefer our draft script because it portrayed the characters stereotypes much more effectively. I wish we devised a way of fitting more dialogue to flesh out our characters.

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