Monday 28 January 2013

Teaser Pitch

Teaser Pitch 1
Skilled and failing horror writer, Lucasz Batrovic takes his new home in the woods seeking new inspiration. Can he survive the power of a corrupted mind?
Teaser Pitch 2
Young horror script writer, Christian Howl and his new fiance take to the woods looking for new inspiration. Can they survive his imagination?
Teaser Pitch 3
A group of teenage friends on their summer holiday, escape to the woodlands. As Christian's story continues, so does their torture. 

Final Teaser Pitch
A group of teenage friends on their summer holiday, escape to the woodlands. As Christian Howl's story continues, can they survive his imagination?

Feedback from other groups

Our target audience said that the first pitch didn't match out sub-genre, so we decided to change it as you can see in in the seconded teaser pitch. They also said we were giving to much away with the idea of the plot, and the fact that he sounded to educational did not fit with our sub-genre once again.

Another thing that came up from our feedback was that we were giving to much away. at the start about the character by saying that he was a 'horror writer' and 'seeking new inspiration' which leaves them knowing what is going to happen as we did not want this we made it shorter, and make sure that the last sentence leaves them wanting more.

One other thing that came up was the main characters name as our target audience said that they didn't like it and that it that the main characters second name should sound more evil such as 'howl', so as you can see we changed the main characters name into 'Christian Howl' we liked this name as a group as it doesn't give to much away, also the use of a protagonists being a group of teenagers which our target audience can relate to.

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