Saturday 30 March 2013

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

For this question I have compiled a video of all the technologies that I have dealt with in the process of constructing my product. To answer this evaluation question I have created a video explaining how I used the certain technologies we had and how it has benefited me in the process. 

There were many things that I had to get used to in the process of constructing our opening sequence. For instance, before I started A-level media, I had never touched a Mac before. I had to learn by experience to get used to the Mac and some of its applications. The Mac was at the centre of all of all of the technologies that I have used and I have to say that it has performed very well in my experience with it. It was very fast, had many useful applications and never gave me any problems. I have also been introduced to new and very useful websites such as SlideShare. SlideShare allowed me to upload my PowerPoint presentation to my blog easily and quickly. Overall I believe that I have learnt new skills in filming and editing which will help me in future projects.

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