Saturday 30 March 2013

Evaluation Question 5 (Updated)

How did you attract/address your main target audience?

To attract our main target audience we created a poster which advertised the premiere reveal of our film opening. We took inspiration from other horror film posters which were from the same sub genre as us and we ultimately created our own. Bellow there are certain examples of horror film posters that  related to us.

Inspirational Posters

As we looked through the various horror film posters we noticed a trend appearing. They all were rather dark and mysterious which was an element that we tried to implement into our own poster. We also were intrigued by the way "The tall man" poster did not show the killers face. This added to the mystery and the depth to the character.

Our main task poster

Poster Analysis

Me and the group were thinking long and hard on how we can make the poster Dark and mysterious and we finally came up with this poster, which we created using Photoshop. What we instantly decided was that we couldn't show our main villain's face on our poster or our opening because it leaves the audience intrigued to watch the rest of the film and find out who this killer really is. We also felt that making the background dark and making the villain black and white made the diary and the title stand out which helped draw the viewers attention. We didn't just use our poster to attract our target audience, we also use word of mouth to alert our viewers of our movies presence. Word of mouth is an effective way to make people interested with a product, especially if it comes from someone the same age as them because they will find the product relateable which would make them more interested to watch the movie.

Where we presented our posters

Now it came to the task of printing the posters and setting them up where everyone can easily see them. The sixth form area was our main focus because this is where all of the sixth formers collect their food, study and mainly just chill out. So we thought, this was the perfect location to hang up the posters. We put posters all around the sixth form area. We mainly focused on main areas of interest such as the notice board and a couple of doors.


When people showed up for the premier of our main task film opening we got everyone to respond to a questionnaire. Everyone who came fitted our main target audience except from one female student. We were first not quite sure if we should interview her because she did not fit our target audience but then we came to a conclusion that it was good for our research to get a females perspective of our main task to see how different the response might be. 

We asked eight questions:

If this was the opening two minutes of a feature length film would you watch the rest?

Is there anything particular you would want to change if this was your film?

Would you pay to see this in the cinema? if so why?

How does this compare to other horror films you have seen?

Do you recognize yourself in any of these characters?

Do you think the costumes represent British Teenagers?

Would you recommend this to friends and family? if so why?

What features of our poster attracted you to this film?

Looking through our interviews i have noticed a few things that we could have changed in our main task to improve it. There were some good points that were brought up such as the fact that we did not show the killer that was chasing the victim in the chase scene. We could have shown a shadow or something to show that someone is chasing her. We realize that it would have made the scene more intense and dramatic. One of our interviewees also suggested that we could have added a scream to indicate the despair and agony of the victim at the end of the chase scene. I also personally believe that we could have added more dialogue to the group scene to express each characters personalities much clearer and make their stereotypes more obvious. 

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