Tuesday 22 January 2013

Horror Movie Interviews


If you interviewed a range of people how are you going to narrow down your target market

We interviewed a range of students from the UK around the ages of 16 and 20, so we all decided that we will be targeting male young adults because they have much more tolerance for gore than women. However there are some women that were interviewed that did not mind the gore so young adult women could also be drawn to our film.  

Did any of you target audience have any answers in common? have these interviews given you ideas or inspiration for your main task?

We did encounter similar answers for the question "What was the scariest movie you have ever seen?" Collectively as a group we were inspired to choose the sub genre extreme horror because it was present in many of the interviewees answers to the question. both men and women in our interviews stated that they found gory movies such as Saw 3 and Final Destination. The main aspect of these films that made our interviewees scared was that they could imagine themselves in the position that the characters are in in the film. The way the movie developers create this feeling to the viewers is that they have to make the situations realistic and relatable to the viewer which is what we intend to do for our main task. The way the directors try to relate to a broad range of people is that they use stereotypes. We will be including stereotypes in our main task in the same way.

Have these interviews given you any ideas of what to avoid in your main task?

Although our sub genre is extreme horror we intended to keep the blood and gore to the minimum because lots of our interviewees said that blood did not really frighten them in horror films. We will be including lots of the other traditional features of an extreme horror but blood seems to be voted down by the public. We also would try not to make our scenes predictable because that is something that lots of our interviewees didn't find scary.

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