Thursday 10 January 2013

Extreme Horror parody

Me, Mustafa, Ahsan and Ayman decided to film our extreme horror parody. looking back on it, I believe that we did very well with the time and the equipment that we had. However there were some things we could have done differently such as editing the scene which the stand was present in. I believe overall if we weren't so pressed for time then we would have ended up with a better final product. We realized that the start of our parody seemed more serious and much more like a real extreme horror movie, however it got much more light hearted and less serious as the the video went on. We are going to try and avoid that from happening in our main task.

The purpose of this short film was that it exposed and make fun of the regular extreme horror conventions that are often used in popular extreme horror movies. We also used this as a chance to get familiar with the camera shots and angles used in extreme horrors. This film has shown me that the usual extreme horror conventions can be quite funny at times so we are going to try and implement some of that humor into our main task. I also believe that because of the filming of our parody we gained extra skills and discovered a perfect location for a scene on our main task. We have also experimented with a range of different editing techniques such as sound effects & video effects. We saw which effects worked and which didn't and now we have a good idea on what we are going to use in our main task.

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