Monday 28 January 2013

Teaser Pitch

Teaser Pitch 1
Skilled and failing horror writer, Lucasz Batrovic takes his new home in the woods seeking new inspiration. Can he survive the power of a corrupted mind?
Teaser Pitch 2
Young horror script writer, Christian Howl and his new fiance take to the woods looking for new inspiration. Can they survive his imagination?
Teaser Pitch 3
A group of teenage friends on their summer holiday, escape to the woodlands. As Christian's story continues, so does their torture. 

Final Teaser Pitch
A group of teenage friends on their summer holiday, escape to the woodlands. As Christian Howl's story continues, can they survive his imagination?

Feedback from other groups

Our target audience said that the first pitch didn't match out sub-genre, so we decided to change it as you can see in in the seconded teaser pitch. They also said we were giving to much away with the idea of the plot, and the fact that he sounded to educational did not fit with our sub-genre once again.

Another thing that came up from our feedback was that we were giving to much away. at the start about the character by saying that he was a 'horror writer' and 'seeking new inspiration' which leaves them knowing what is going to happen as we did not want this we made it shorter, and make sure that the last sentence leaves them wanting more.

One other thing that came up was the main characters name as our target audience said that they didn't like it and that it that the main characters second name should sound more evil such as 'howl', so as you can see we changed the main characters name into 'Christian Howl' we liked this name as a group as it doesn't give to much away, also the use of a protagonists being a group of teenagers which our target audience can relate to.

Main Task Story Board

Establishing shot used to show where the action is set and giving the viewer a sense of emersion in our film early on. This is going to be an extreme long shot of south park. some relaxing music is going to be played through out this and the next shot to comfort the viewer.

This shot is used to give the viewer a closer insight to the location. It also sets the scene and relaxes the viewer before the chase scene begins.

This shot is used to present a woman standing and breathing heavily. We see that she is injured and out of breath. She is going to be surrounded by trees. The relaxing music suddenly stops and and dramatic music starts to gently creep in.

Dramatic music picks up the pace and becomes more tense. The woman has noticed someone is chasing her and she starts running. Camera will be panning to follow her as she runs. 

The purpose of this scene is to show the emotions of the girl. She will be breathing heavily and she will  be crying. However she will also be looking back in this scene.

The previous scene will be followed by a shot of the writer (Connal) writing. This will be set in a dimly lit room. This will be the introduction to the character. However throughout this whole scene his face will not be shown clearly. This is going to be set in one of the classrooms in Cheney but we are going to do our best to ensure that it doesn't look like one. We are also going to be using artificial light however we are going to try and dim the light to ensure we keep that eery feeling through out this scene.

This shot is used to show what the writer is writing in much better detail. This shot will be completely quite. making it seem mysterious and awkward which is exactly what we want the viewer feeling.

This is the scene where the writer lifts his head up to think, as he does we are going to have a close up of his face. We will not be seeing his face clearly, it will be completely shadowed. This also adds to the suspense and the mystery of this character and hopefully make the audience intrigued.

This scene will be a completely change of pace compared to the office scene. This shot is specifically used to show where this scene is set, it allows the viewer to see the background and the surroundings. we use a long shot so that it portrays the whole house, the characters and the car in one shot.

This scene includes a bunch of teenage friends packing their stuff and walking over to the car which is parked outside connal's house. Some smooth and cheerful music is played in the background during this scene. We also feel that we could include a little bit of the credits on the screen too as this is happening.

This scene is of the car driving away as the camera pans with it. There will be several houses shown in the background. Upbeat music is continually playing through this scene to relax the audience and help them get much more immersed into this short film.

This shot is the final shot to end the video is a shot of the car close up then driving off eventually turning it into an extreme long shot. The car will just be continuously driving off into the distance and the clip will come to an end with a fade to black transition.

The Changes Made

We made some drastic and last minute changes to our opening scene to accommodate for some unfortunate news. Such as the fact that we lost one of our actors. She was unable to be in our opening which ignited a range of changes to the opening. Such as the addition of a different female actor. However there were some other changes that were brought around due to inconvenience and general ineffectiveness. For example, the car scene. We thought that it may be too difficult to get a driver, a car and have the whole acting and filming crew there at the same time. Another change that we thought would add to the effectiveness of our opening was the addition of the group scene. This is the scene where the characters engage in a piece of dialogue. We thought this was a crucial scene to add to help flesh out the characters and express their stereotypes. We also changed the order of certain scenes especially the establishing shot. We changed the establishing shot to give the audience a chance to get to know the villain in the film and express his personality through an inner monologue right at the start of the film. We think that the changes we made added to the overall effectiveness and enjoyment of our opening scene.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Horror Movie Interviews


If you interviewed a range of people how are you going to narrow down your target market

We interviewed a range of students from the UK around the ages of 16 and 20, so we all decided that we will be targeting male young adults because they have much more tolerance for gore than women. However there are some women that were interviewed that did not mind the gore so young adult women could also be drawn to our film.  

Did any of you target audience have any answers in common? have these interviews given you ideas or inspiration for your main task?

We did encounter similar answers for the question "What was the scariest movie you have ever seen?" Collectively as a group we were inspired to choose the sub genre extreme horror because it was present in many of the interviewees answers to the question. both men and women in our interviews stated that they found gory movies such as Saw 3 and Final Destination. The main aspect of these films that made our interviewees scared was that they could imagine themselves in the position that the characters are in in the film. The way the movie developers create this feeling to the viewers is that they have to make the situations realistic and relatable to the viewer which is what we intend to do for our main task. The way the directors try to relate to a broad range of people is that they use stereotypes. We will be including stereotypes in our main task in the same way.

Have these interviews given you any ideas of what to avoid in your main task?

Although our sub genre is extreme horror we intended to keep the blood and gore to the minimum because lots of our interviewees said that blood did not really frighten them in horror films. We will be including lots of the other traditional features of an extreme horror but blood seems to be voted down by the public. We also would try not to make our scenes predictable because that is something that lots of our interviewees didn't find scary.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Extreme Horror parody

Me, Mustafa, Ahsan and Ayman decided to film our extreme horror parody. looking back on it, I believe that we did very well with the time and the equipment that we had. However there were some things we could have done differently such as editing the scene which the stand was present in. I believe overall if we weren't so pressed for time then we would have ended up with a better final product. We realized that the start of our parody seemed more serious and much more like a real extreme horror movie, however it got much more light hearted and less serious as the the video went on. We are going to try and avoid that from happening in our main task.

The purpose of this short film was that it exposed and make fun of the regular extreme horror conventions that are often used in popular extreme horror movies. We also used this as a chance to get familiar with the camera shots and angles used in extreme horrors. This film has shown me that the usual extreme horror conventions can be quite funny at times so we are going to try and implement some of that humor into our main task. I also believe that because of the filming of our parody we gained extra skills and discovered a perfect location for a scene on our main task. We have also experimented with a range of different editing techniques such as sound effects & video effects. We saw which effects worked and which didn't and now we have a good idea on what we are going to use in our main task.