Wednesday 14 November 2012

Alien 3 Title Sequence Analysis

Mise en scene

Alien 3

The main colour used in this scene is white which represents purity, hope and brightness. The shot that was used was a mid-shot with the further woman in focus and the other out of focus. The reason they used this shot was to show the characters body to emphasize the relaxed state she is in. The constant use of white makes it seem that the women in this scene are in a hospital. This would imply that they are recuperating from an injury or something along that matter. The lighting is dim in this scene which could imply that it is late at night. The sound used is non-diegetic and is played in the background to add a tone to the movie. The actor has been portrayed as an average woman, which would make her relatable to most women.

This scene shows a close up of a woman’s face (which is out of focus) as she is lying down and sleeping and an alien approaching to her slowly. The reason this shot is used is to draw the viewer’s attention to the alien (which is in focus) slowly approaching her face.  This scene also has a constant use of white makes it seem that the woman in this scene is in a hospital. The lighting is dim in this scene which could imply that it is late at night. The sound used is non-diegetic and is played in the background to add a tone to the movie. The actor has been 
portrayed as an average woman, which would make her relatable to most women.

In this scene there is an acid spill on the floor which seems to be tearing right through it. They use a close up to present this scene in more detail for the viewer. The colour of the acid is green which is the same colour as the alien from the previous scene, which could get the audience thinking that it came from the alien. It is in the same setting as the previous scene and the lighting is dim to give the sense of darkness and mystery. The sound remains slow paced to set the pace of the film early on. However there was also a diegetic sound effect added to this scene, the sound is a loud fizzing noise to link with the acid pouring and going through the floor. 

An extreme close up on a woman’s eyes, nose and part of her mouth has been used to show the woman’s emotions and expressions in great detail. The main colour used in this scene is red. There seems to be red lights lighting all around the covering the whole scene in a red tint. The connotations of the red tint in this scene would be danger, fire and pain. The sound used in this scene is alarms blaring loudly to give a sense of urgency and danger to the scene which makes it much more dramatic and interesting. The actor has been portrayed as a vulnerable woman. This would get the viewer feeling worried and frightened for her.  Although there is a red tinted light surrounding the whole scene, it’s not a very bright light so you do get that 
sense of darkness.

This scene shows a part of the ship that is in space comes off and starts falling to a planet which is shot from an extreme long shot. The reason they used this shot is because it displayed the text, planet and shuttle in one shot without making it seem like there is too much going on in the scene. The music in the background reaches its dramatic climax as we almost reach the end of the title sequence. This gets the audience exited for there is to come in the movie. The text used in this scene is bright and a light blue colour, this helps it blend into the planet and makes it seem more of a part in the scene. 

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