Saturday 10 November 2012

Prelim Evaluation


 Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms of conventions of real media product?

Our media product mainly conforms to the conventions of real media products. We followed the 180 rule, used the match on match action and made good use of shot reverse shot. We also used a close up of the face to express the actor’s emotions and create tension at the end of the video. The use of the shot reverse shot has been used in the traditional fashion in the conversation that takes place in our media product. Things that we could have improved on are the smoothness of the transitions in the match on match action. The match on match action is unnaturally fast which make it seem unrealistic. This is something we definitely need to iron out in our main task. We also used a black and white filter throughout the whole video. The main reason we used this filter was because we filmed parts of the video on different days and the lighting looked drastically different on both parts and the filter did not show the change of lighting. However I don't think that I would use this filter on my main task. However another criticism I could make about our prelim is that we had a continuity error which we would definitely avoid doing in the main task. Our continuity error was in the form of a jumper which was worn by one of the actors. He forgot to bring in the clothes that he wore for the previous days which meant that we had to improvise, so he was given a different jumper we did the second half of the shots with a different jumper. This is not healthy for the video because it can draw the viewer’s attention away from the video and onto the flaw.
Q2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In our media product the social group we were representing was London Gang members. The members involved are a powerful Gang leader and a rookie teenage gang member. The way we represented the Gang leader to establish that he has power is that we made him ware sophisticated clothing, we made him do most of the talking and finally he made his order to his gang member. We portrayed his confidence in the way he spoke and acted. On the other hand the gang novice was represented as any other novice London gang member. We showed this in the way that he dressed and in the way that he acted. He was acting very nervous throughout giving the leader all of the power.

Q3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I believe that Vertigo films would be the perfect producer to distribute our media product because they are a British producer with a lot of experience. They have a large range of different films that they have produced and most of them are based in the UK which is perfect because our movie sequence is based in London. Examples of films that Vertigo Films produced are the football factory and the Sweeney which are both set in London.  

Q4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for our media product would be partly British teenagers and mostly adults. I believe that our media product would relate to British teens because this scene is based in London and there are people who have experienced the life of belonging to a Gang in Britain or know people who do.  However I believe that adults are the main target audience because our movie scene has a serious and dramatic tone to it which is reflected from the effects, the lighting, the setting and the acting.

Q5: how did you attract/ address your audience?

Well seeing as our main target audience are mature, urban adults from the UK. We attracted them to our video by including a serious story with tense and dramatic moments to keep the audience interested and exited. We used a bland and sophisticated video filter to go throughout the whole scene to express the gritty realistic sense of belonging to a Gang which I believe connected well with the audience. The scene where the gang leader talks to the rookie at his desk in an office would probably relate to adults more because it would remind them of the meetings they have had with their bosses.

Q6:  What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During This project, I have encountered some new technologies and improved my skill on the ones I was already familiar with. I learnt how to use IMovie although we had mainly one person doing most of the editing I soon learnt the basics of editing on IMovie and contributed in editing our prelim task. I also enhanced my skills in filming by filming some of the scenes in our prelim. We used a stand most of the time to keep the camera steady. I also have learnt how to use blogger, a site I haven't even heard of before I took media. I'm still learning how to use it perfectly but I think I got the hang of the basics.

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