Wednesday 5 December 2012

Target Audience (updated)

18 - 25 because they will have more of an interest in extreme horror because they can usually  relate to the characters in our film because they are usually around the same age as them.

The Gender chosen will be male because of their tolerance of blood and gore whereas with the opposite gender are less likely to enjoy it. they will also be able to see themselves in the male characters that our presented in our film.

Marital Status:
They will be single or in a relationship, if they were single then they would usually have more time to themselves which would mean that they are more likely to go out with friends and watch the film. On the other hand if they were in a relationship then they would be able to bring their gilfriends along to see the movie which would give us more money. 

A part time job like a waiter or working behind a bar, because people of this age will not normally have very hard jobs. They would also have short working hours so that they can have more time to relax and go out.

They will be enrolled in a course in University. Because they would be more likely to relate to the students shown on our film.

Movie tastes:
They would have to like extreme horror and be scared of blood and gore. They would also have to be frightened of a main protaginist in a movie.
Geographical region:
Developed cities, most likely with universities and colleges. mainly targeting people in the UK and America . This would also allow help the audience relate to the characters that are presente in our film.

What do they spend their money on?
Going to the cinema to see movies, food, maybe an apartment, going partying, holidays and hobbies.

Interview subject (Oscar)

This interviewee directly represents the target audioence that we are trying to target our main task at. He stated that the scariest movie that he ever watched was 'Saw 3'. Saw 3 is an extreme horror with lots of blood and gore which is very similar to our film. He also stated that he was scared of the main protaginist in A Nightmare On Elm Street (Jason). A Nightmare on elm street is also an extreme horror and in our film we will also be having a main protaginist that kills people too. He is also around the same age as the characters presented in our film. It seems that Oscar is the perfect example of our target audience.